10 Things I Learned at the VAI Get Together
The VAI are the representative body for professional artists in Ireland. You can read all about their work here. When I graduated from college it was suggested I join – so I did. It all seemed a bit “grown up” for the work I was doing so bar flicking through the bimonthly news sheet, my dealings with the VAI were non existent.
Since embarking on the artist entrepreneurial road, I am a little more clued in to try and avail of the opportunities and help available and with that in mind, I headed to the VAI Get Together in IMMA last Friday – here are the top 10 things I learnt
- The key to the success of an art career is relationship building – Domo Baal
- Look for open submissions and other opportunities to build your profile and develop your work – Emma Lucy O’Brien
- Tap into local bodies; Artlinks, Local Arts Officer, Enterprise Boards etc as they are there to help you succeed
- Use social media – a lot!
- The art is the most important part of your business – don’t lose track of ‘doing the work’ – Anna O’Sullivan
- When sending pictures of your work, get the basics right to be considered; well lit, use a scale reference if relevant, close up detail etc otherwise you are not even at the party – Leah Stuhltrager
- Peer reviews are really constructive so build your tribe
- Julian Schnabel is every bit the egotistical maniac you think he is
- Speed curating is fantastic but very stressful – a whistle goes and you have ten minutes to sell yourself, your work and ask all the 50 million questions you have – I learnt I would not be any use at speed dating
- Suki Teas are really good but coffee is my first love
I would recommend the day to anyone involved in the art world and I will definitely be back next year – hopefully with a whole new set of questions as my work develops.
Thanks for reading and of course, keep flying your kite