Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk

Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk

I have been dying for this book to hit the shelves as let’s just say, like most of us, I have an inner critic and he is a massive jerk! I am a big Danielle Kryza fan, really enjoy her blog The Jealous Curator (link here) and she has just published her second book, Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk, & Other Truths About Being Creative.


I downloaded the book from Audible Books and listened to it nodding along the entire way.  The only downside of this is you miss out of the fantastic Martha Rich paintings so I have ordered the hardback too (couldn’t resist). What comes across loud and clear is the EVERYONE has an inner critic and EVERYONE struggles with it. I was so comforted to hear this, not that others were struggling of course, but that I am not alone. We all suffer from imposter syndrome.

The book is split into 10 chapters, all offering practical and honest advice on how to silence your critic, learn to work with confidence and above all get down to the fun a rewarding practice of being creative.

One piece of advice I really echo is to name your critic so it is not your voice filling you with self doubt. I call my monkey Cedric – I think he looks like a Cedric.


Another salient tip is that on those days when nothing is working out. Don’t give up but procrastinate with purpose – cut out shapes for collage, reorder paint or prime some canvasses – just don’t give up. And don’t spend your day ‘procrasta-cleaning’ – your fridge might thank you but that’s it.

The best piece of advice from the book, in my opinion, is just do something. As Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Each chapter gives ideas on projects to kick start your creative process. Although you may have tried some, I am thinking Danielle’s idea to swap an envelope of cut outs with a creative pal for both of you to make two or three pieces from, sounds great.

As promised, to get the book for free just sign up to for a 30 day trial and they let you downlad one book for free. Obviously you can get whatever you want but I really recommend this 🙂

I really hope this book helps us all to keep flying that kite – I am doing my first craft market this weekend and let’s just say Cedric has been quite noisy so I couldn’t have heard this advice at a better time





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